【同义词辨析】 2018-09-13 蒙羞disgrace-opprobrium

disgrace: often implies loss of favor or complete humiliation and sometimes ostracism: his conviction for bribery brought ~ upon his family.    (favor好感宠爱支持: 如favorable weather有利的天气) (humiliate使羞辱伤自尊severe wounding of pride and causing of shame,程度最重,如百年国耻the Century of Humiliation) (ostracism排斥驱逐古希腊贝壳流放法)

dishonor: emphasizes the loss of honor that one has previously enjoyed or the loss of self-esteem: prefer death to life with ~. (honor荣誉: 表示值得尊敬the right to respect,如it is my honor to serve you很荣幸能效力)

disrepute: stresses loss of one's good name or the acquiring of a bad repute: a once-proud name now fallen into ~.

shame: implies particularly humiliating disgrace or disrepute and is likely to stress the strong emotional reaction of the one affected: could hardly live with the ~.

infamy: implies notoriety as well as exceeding shame: a gangster whose name retains an enduring ~.

ignominy: stresses the almost unendurable contemptibility or despicableness of the disgrace: suffered the ~ of being brought back in irons.  (身败名裂用这个词最合适,ig否定前缀=no, nom=name,身败名裂的人好像突然蒸发,如前期的某山木和近期的某强东)

opprobrium: adds to disgrace the notion of being severely reproached or condemned: bring ~ on oneself by expulsion from school.

disgrace蒙羞失宠: 失去青睐(favor)变得不光彩被羞辱被排斥,dishonor耻辱: 失去荣誉自尊,disrepute恶名: 丧失好名声招来恶名,shame耻辱: 让人备感羞辱(humiliating)的耻辱恶名,强调强烈情感反应,infamy臭名昭著: 表示臭名昭著和非常耻辱,ignominy耻辱: 难以忍受的轻视蔑视,身败名裂,opprobrium耻辱和谴责: 既表示耻辱又表示谴责

记忆方法: 1)首字母dddsiio想成DID IS DO, 做过就是做<==蒙羞

         2)蒙羞的意思是丧失名声尊敬,变得被人蔑视责备mean the loss of esteem and good repute or the enduring of reproach or contempt.